Cyclical Thoughts and Feelings: Throw Them Out
Thank you to David Hatfield for introducing me to this exercise. You can learn more about embodiment practices in Body Compassing: Meditation-for-Healing. We often get stuck in cyclical thoughts and feelings, which take us away from living our lives. This is a simple...
Pain: Find What Doesn’t Hurt
Pain is all too often a part of our daily life, whether physical, mental, or emotional. This is a simple exercise to help manage the pain you are experiencing in this moment 1. Locate the pain you are feeling right now in your body, finding and naming the...
How Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy May Benefit Pain Conditions
Living with chronic or acute pain can be debilitating. It can cause not only high levels of stress but also significant changes in mood and daily life activities. Default treatments like anti-inflammatory medications and painkillers, appropriate exercises and...
The Brain and the “I”
Note: I will not be defining the “I” in this post because it is beyond the scope of what I'm writing about. This is why I keep it in quotation marks throughout the post. This month in my practice the discussion that’s been on the table is the brain. And the “I.” And...
Get In Your Body
We know we are here because we have input from our senses that go directly to our brain and orient us to ourselves, to our surroundings, and to other people. Without these inputs, we would be unable to function. Something we do every day, like walking, would become...
Aging is not Synonymous with Disease and Death
"For age is opportunity no less than youth, itself, though in another dress. And as the evening twilight fades away the sky is filled with stars, invisible by day." -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow We often forget that an aging body has the ability to accomplish the same...
Focus on the Health
In a single day, the body is asked to perform all the physiological functions that keep it alive, manage the stresses coming from its external environment, and navigate the emotional ups and downs of human life. Each one of these things is challenging for the body....
Single Sentence Thought #6
The strongest, life-supporting boundaries are semipermeable. --Samantha Lotti ________
An Alternative Definition #2
Inspired by the lectures of Emilie Conrad and a discussion on Tibetan medicine: An alternative definition for Health: Health: that which suits you. --Samantha Lotti
Realize You Have a Heart and You’ll Live From the Heart
There’s no one who hasn’t experienced the richness of their own blood when bleeding from a cut. To some people the sight of blood is gross or scary, to some fascinating and beautiful. The fact that we bleed when cut means we’re healthy, it means the heart, in...