by Samantha Lotti | Feb 24, 2015 | Craniosacral Research, 2014, back pain, English, Pain, Polish
A 2014 preliminary report of a study aimed to “examine the utility of craniosacral therapy techniques in the treatment of patients with lumbosacral spine overload and to compare its effectiveness to that of trigger point therapy, which is a recognised...
by Samantha Lotti | Jan 16, 2014 | Craniosacral Research, 2012, English, headache, migraine
A 2012 feasibility study with 60 randomized individuals completing 8 weeks of therapy. Results suggests: “A significant difference, favoring CST, was noted by treatment group in mean headache hours per day 30 days post treatment (1.89 vs. 2.78, p=0.003). HIT-6...